Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Eyes and Revise.

Hi again,
I am officially on Christmas Break.
I love watching all the holiday movies on T.V. I have seen almost all of them.
I plan on getting a lot of writing done over the vacation.
I finished my first college class.
I'm hoping to get some painting or drawing done during this time also, this is where the eyes part of the post's title comes in. I have an obsession with drawing eyes. I love eyes and think they're amazing works of art. I have always been drawing them. I don't know if that's creepy...I read somewhere that if you draw eyes it means you feel like someone's watching you. I never seem to make two eyes the same size though. It's really difficult and I never seem to be able to get beyond the eyes.
I have started journaling and it is such a wonderful feeling. I love being able to put my thoughts down on paper, I love having a pen in my hand and seeing everything written out in front of me.
With love, yours until the end of the internet,

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