Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where has the time gone?

Time has flitted away once again.
I'm sorry that I haven't written anything but this summer was kind of great but mostly suckish.
No suckish is not a word but let's all pretend for a moment it is.
In this case "suckish" means "complete and utter disaster.
Well since Kate and Will got married I've graduated high school, started a job, quit a job, moved to another state, started at an amazing university, got a new job and my current state is OVERWHELMED.
I wrote out my whole schedule for just one class for the semester and I don't even know where to begin. I keep telling myself two things "People dumber than me can graduate college." and "It looks like a lot more than it is."
I don't think I believe either of those at this point.
And after all this my plan is to: Double major in Arts Management and Mass Communications and also to minor in Public Relations.
Am I an idiot?
Why yes, I think so. I did watch Charlie Bartlett though and it calmed me down a little bit. I think I'll turn on something else once I read my Rhetoric and Society homework tonight (which is the class where the professor told us "Public relations is worse than nuclear weapons and people only use nuclear weapons because public relations tells them to.")
Oh surprise! I got an iPhone. Just throwing that out there. The sentence not the iPhone. I bet my OtterBox could keep it safe though. I dropped it off my bed last night and it was good.
Okay, well, back to the lovely world of studying.
Do you like the spoon picture? It made me smile. I have a thing for silverware. My sister-in-law has a bracelet made out of a fork. I want her to leave it to me in her will.

Yours until the end of the internet,

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