Thursday, April 7, 2011

Moth Days

There is something about off days that I just hate.
It usually starts with people either yelling or being dense.
Then it morphs into: yes I did forget that homework but can you not interrogate me over it? I was just doing EVERYTHING else. But don't worry about it. Obviously your work is the most important one. I'm so sorry.
Then it turns into: I can barely hold a conversation with this person because every little thing I say is apparently wrong and they feel the incessant need to correct me.
Then suddenly it changes into someone yelling at you: "You can't go to the bathroom! GET OUT OF THE BUILDING" then five squad cars appear, two fire trucks and an ambulance.
Then suddenly: your school is undergoing a bomb threat and they've never even pretended to practice a drill for that so all the teachers huddle in groups outside talking quietly while the kids all try to ask what's going on and they get the response "Don't worry about it."
I'm usually pretty good about letting things roll off my back but when you have every bit of it coming at once, it isn't as easy as it looks.
It's been an eventful and long week and it's really upsetting it isn't over yet. I really wish it was.
Music does help but it isn't the cure. Maybe a late night will help me organize these thoughts into some sort of articulate and cohesive pattern.

Yours until the end of the internet,

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