How to plan for a long car ride with your parents and boyfriend:
Parents and your boyfriend in one long car ride up to a
wedding (bound to be awkward insinuations there, right?) in the middle of
nowhere in the middle of the summer? Don't gouge your eyes yet! It is possible
and you will survive (just like that song says).
1. Wear Layers: you will probably be in the backseat and the
a/c in small cars can be fidgety. My parents like it cold and I like it a bit
warmer if possible. Wear shorts and bring a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt
to yank on if you feel like you're skiing all of a sudden because your mom
pointed the a/c right at you.
2. CD's acceptable by most: I am breaking a cardinal
teenage/young adult rule by not recommending ear buds on a trip with your
parents. There is a reason behind my madness: Conversation. If you and your
boyfriend have ear buds in conversation stops and it can make things last a lot
longer. Especially if your parents want to tell you something and one or both
of you have to keep pausing your music to listen and respond. You're not going
to win everybody's heart with your music selection but use it as an opportunity
to make some neat mix cds to create memories to play again.
3. Dramamine. I have never been one of those people that get
motion sickness. I always have seen car rides as a time for reading. My parents
on the other hand can't go on kiddie rides at carnivals without feeling
nauseous and as I get older I am realizing I believe I have caught that gene.
I'm almost certain it is because of driving so much more by myself in the past
year that sitting in the backseat feels like a life sentence. Packing some
Dramamine and taking it before you even climb into your cell helps make it more
4. Books/Magazines: I said no to ear buds but I will say yes
to a book or magazine. I'd recommend both so you can have some light reading
with a magazine to buffer drags in conversations or have a book to cope with
long silences.
5. A small pillow: Don’t go overboard bringing your body
pillow. Just have on hand a small throw pillow. You won’t bang your head as
hard on the window if you feel like snoozing and if your back is hurting it can
provide some relief.
6. Codigo Cube: This is something I’ll be trying for the
first time in a car. Codigo Cube is a trivia game that all you need is your
phone and the little one inch by one inch cube. Everyone can compete in this
game even the driver if someone rolls the cube for them. It’s very easy to do
and you can select different levels for playing. You roll the cube. Scan the QR
code. The person answers the question. Then passes it to the next player. Or
you can play it as teams. Your parents against you and your boyfriend or guys
against girls. Whatever and it’s a fun little game that can be as short or as
long as you want.
7. Phone car chargers: The worst days are usually when my
phone dies. I love checking up on twitter and this trip I will be partially
working so I need to maintain access to my email. Both of these things will
suck up your battery so make sure you have a car charger for your phone or
tablet if you plan on using them in the car.
8. Snacks and Drinks: Bring some light snacks and a bag for
trash. Nothing that requires extra utensils, nothing that makes a giant mess,
nothing that will leave a lingering odor. Think granola bars or baby carrots.
Find out what people would like to drink. I love juices but am not a huge fan
of just water.
9. Sunglasses: I get headaches easily and sunglasses keep me
from cringing from the light. (On that note don’t forget Tylenol either). Plus
sunglasses make you look cool. And isn’t that what’s important in a road trip?
10. Enjoy the Ride: Sit back, watch the cars go by, and
relax. You’re not in the office and you’re surrounded by people you care about.
Enjoy your drive.