Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rock-a-Bye Royal Baby

Okay, I have to admit. I am not that fascinated by the royal baby stuff. 
The royal wedding? A million times yes! I was in front of my tv waiting to see them. 
Finding out she was pregnant? Okay that happens. I didn't think about it again. 
Prince George Alexander Louis was born? Can the world please just stop? I am avoiding Google News now even though it's part of my job. 

The kid looks a little cute and I'll probably be more intersted in things like: his outfit was from blah blah, and his stroller retails for money! As pathetic as that sounds it's true. He also looks like my youngest nephew a little except my nephew was born with strawberry-blonde hair. But they both have that alien look going on that I honestly don't associate with all newborns but is true for these two boys.

On the bright side, it's only about a month before I fly off to Vienna! And that's Vienna, Austria. Not Venice. Why do people keep asking me about Venice? "Oh I love Italy." Yeah, me too but that's not where I'm going...It's awkward but if you guys could not think that- yeah that'd be splendid! 

I'm in the middle of an internship this summer and nannying part-time. Both of which are a lot of fun and shockingly less stressful than working at a restaurant on a tourist filled island. I feel like I'm now on the other side of things: picking up food instead of making it and getting paid for facebooking and tweeting. You get people like Fox and CNN emailing you and it gets a little nerve wracking but the whole experience has made me believe I chose the right field to pursue. 

This summer is going too quickly but I can't wait for my vacation. I want to sit on the beach with a pile of books and a refreshing drink of the nonalcoholic variety. And then I want to get in a plane and fly away. 

Yours until the end of the internet, 

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